Learn to change your reactions to the problem sounds other people make.
People who suffer with Misophonia or Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome (4S) experience extreme emotional reactions to sounds that other people make. Typically problem sounds are those made by the mouth such as chewing and coughing, or nose such as sniffing or snoring but Misophonia can encompass any sound made by another person (or sometimes animal), which is beyond the suffers control. Some also experience the same reactions to visual cues such as repetitive limb movement (misokinesia) or actions associated with eating.
Reactions to problem sounds can vary but are predominantly feelings of anger or distress. They may be associated with thoughts about the person deliberately making the sound and in many cases leads to sufferers isolating themselves from family or social gatherings where problem sounds may occur. Sufferers may find themselves labelled as antisocial or overreactive and they can experience feelings of guilt as a consequence of their actions.
Triggers for Misophonia symptoms are often periods of stress where the individual felt out of control. Misophonia often develops during adolescence and can make the school environment difficult to tolerate. Often individuals resort to using ear protection or headphones to block out problem sound but this can exacerbate sound sensitivity long term and contribute to social isolation.
At Soundful Silence we take the time to listen to your experiences and help you to change your reactions to problem sounds using techniques such as Relaxation Therapy, Sound Enrichment, Desensitisation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Consultations can be performed in clinic or remotely via TEAMs.
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